Aging Backwards

What to write about this time? There is so much going on around us at all times. I always have ideas, just not sure what sparks my interest or what I want to talk about.

I decided on Aging Backwards today. Over a year ago my daughter introduced me to a new type of exercise with Miranda Esmond White. You can find her on PBS sometimes to see what she’s all about or use the internet to Google information about her. Here is a short description - Miranda is a previous professional ballerina with the National Ballet of Canada as well as a New York Times bestselling author of books on aging, health and fitness. Her workouts are available to stream or to order DVD’s. I purchased DVD’s as sometimes streaming information on the farm with rural internet can be very painful. You watch that spinning circle on your screen for a good part of the time.

So why do I like her workouts? Several reasons. The #1 reason is that her workouts are only about 25 minutes long so I can fit them into my morning schedule. I still work fulltime, and I find if I am going to exercise it has to be in the morning before I leave for work. Evenings just seem to get interrupted too easily and then I don’t get a workout done. I also have a dog that needs a 20-minute walk in the morning before I leave for work. Getting up at 5:20 am is early enough for me – 5 times a week. And like some other people the 5:20 alarm gets set a little later from a later evening than planned.

#2 Reason? You don’t have to break out into a big old sweat- you don’t have to go and shower when you are done the workout. You don’t need special clothing, just your everyday clothes are fine. It’s a very safe way to work out without hurting your joints. Everything is done from a relaxed state. She helps you work on balance and the strengthening of your whole body. These stretches help with your posture as well as the lengthening and strengthening of your muscles. She is 72 years of age, and she swears that these are the only workouts she does now. She is also very entertaining to listen to.

#3 Reason – when I started working out with Miranda I was suffering with plantar fasciitis. I was in so much pain that I could barely stand or walk for any length of time. I tried different shoes, saw a foot doctor, worked with a Reiki specialist, pain killers of course, the list goes on. I ordered her DVD’s and made sure I bought one with a workout for plantar fasciitis. It took a couple of weeks doing this workout every day, but it worked. My foot improved. I still need to be careful with the type of shoes I wear, but I am no longer in pain and can get through most days without being in pain and able to get through my normal busy day.

#4 Reason – I tore my rotator cuff last spring during COVID. How? Well, my son and I were doing GSD. What is GSD? Getting Stuff Done! And I overexerted myself pushing a trampoline a long distance from its original place and I tore my muscle good. By doing regular “Aging Backwards” stretches, 5-6 times a week, I have improved the strength in that arm. I can golf, I can snowmobile, I can mix cookies and bread again, and most of the time I am pain free.

Why did I talk about exercise and well being today? As we age, we all want to continue doing the things we could when we were younger. And of course, there are some limitations on what we can do. We tend to forget how important our foundation is – our feet. We are like a house – we need a good foundation to stand on to be strong – to continue living the life we want to. Able to do things we want to do.

A lot of people wait until they retire to travel. If you have travelled, you know that it is not the easiest thing in the world to do. Heavy suitcases, stairs, long line-ups, waiting around, sitting around, lifting items above your head, rickety stairs, cobble stone paths, the list goes on. We may have the time when we retire to travel, but if you don’t have your health the travel won’t happen. By being pro-active and getting some exercise we can slow down the aging process. Plus, what a bonus to not live with pain. These are all part of her theories when you participate in “Aging Backwards – Classical Stretch” with Miranda Esmond White. She has lots of options – find a workout that works for you.

Perhaps we’d all like to be young again, but remember aging is better than the alternative. So, enjoy the ride and be the best that you can be. Dance like no one is watching, party like you’re 18, take that walk, get up and move, garden, plant flowers, listen to music, do something you’ve never done.  

In ending my blog this week, I looked for a song about aging and decided on Bruce Springsteen (The Boss) – Glory Days. Any Bruce song is a great song, if you don’t listen to Bruce Springsteen, you should. He’s “The Boss” for a reason. Put him on your playlist.


The Bandwagon


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