Another Year

Another Year - February 15, 2023

Where have I been? The last couple of months have been very difficult to say the least. Why, you might ask? I shall attempt to share.

I have always tried to keep my blogs light and fun. Sometimes kind of sad, but for the most part up light and lifting. Let’s all have a laugh or two.

Unfortunately, my last year has not been this way. My youngest sister was diagnosed with terminal cancer shortly after her 60th birthday. It still does not seem real that she has passed away – just a short 10 months later.

When she shared her diagnosis with my family we all found it hard to believe. How could this young very healthy, non-smoking, seldom drinker, active walker, exerciser, and yogi get attacked with so much cancer. It is still a mystery to me.

So now I find myself still wondering how one person could have so much cancer in their body and now have left this world. Only to wonder where she has gone. For all those that follow a religious belief she has gone to heaven. But how do we know this? None of us have been there. We go to church, we listen to someone on a pulpit, telling us that is where she is gone – but there is no proof. I know she will be fine wherever she has gone. Will I get to meet her again? That is something I don’t know, and no one can answer that. She has crossed to the other side that is about all I know.

The majority of us have dealt with death somewhere along our journey. Usually through a grandparent or a friend from school I would bet. Losing a family member is never easy and we all grieve differently. I have moments of sadness for myself, but I feel sadder for her family she left behind. She was a wife, a mom and a friend to her family and many friends.

Be grateful for what you do have and enjoy your family and friends while you can.

Which leads me to the next point. I have been fortunate to have a grandson born on my 64th birthday. I now know exactly how old I am. As babies get their pictures taken every 2-4 weeks. I will know when I am 64 and 2 weeks old. Lol! The countdown is on to 65. There will be a cake baked by somebody else (probably the mother of the child) for the rest of my days here on this earth. I cannot remember the last time somebody baked a cake for me – it was probably my mom when I lived at home.  That is all about to change. Pretty sure there will be a celebration for the rest of my days on my birthday – not because of me but because of my grandchild. Thank God for babies.

As we move into 2023 – remember to always be grateful for good health. #1. We can have all of the money in the world and want for not – but without our health it really doesn’t matter. We plan to travel and see the world as we retire. All of this gets very tricky without good health. Stay active and look after yourself as best you can – it may help to get you a few extra years. (Do I listen to my words of wisdom? Sometimes.)

I recently found a documentary on Apple TV called “The Letter” by Bruce Springsteen. It talks about aging and death. It makes you think about what we typically take for granted until it affects us personally. The album was inspired by the death of his friend. As I listen to this album it makes me sad, and emotional – the lyrics resonate with me as well.

I leave you with this album to take a listen to or watch the documentary. The Letter – Bruce Springsteen. One of the songs I especially like is “I’ll See You in My Dreams”.

Take care out there. I have friends who are going through their own struggles with health and well being. Take care – and I’ll see you in my dreams.


Go Go Gadgets


And the Countdown is On