Another Year Passes

Out with 2021 and in with 2022 - Another year passes!

And here goes another year of a pandemic. Who would have thought we would ever see a pandemic? Let alone one that has lasted over 2 years. And another variant that is changing travel plans for many people around the world. And where has this year gone? As I am writing this, we are down to 4 sleeps until the magical day of Christmas.

For those of you that have followed my blog for the past 6 months I am going to do some reminiscing. Let’s start with June – what a great month. Can’t wait to have it back again. We are in the shortest days of the year right now vs the longest days of the year. Can’t wait for longer days. I love the light and the sunshine.

Bandwagons? We all jumped on the Western final bandwagon, hoping our Saskatchewan Roughriders would pull through and make it to the grey cup final. Although making a great effort we fell short. Next year the Grey Cup will be held in Regina. Our Roughriders will be there (we all hope).

Aging Backwards and exercising every morning. Well, we got a puppy and that threw my morning routine out the window. Fell off that bandwagon I did. I haven’t been stretching every morning, but I walk our two dogs every morning. As my little puppy acclimatizes to our Saskatchewan winters, our walks become a little longer. And part of my new year resolution (if you want to call it that) is to get back into my morning stretching routine – Aging Backwards. I can tell my body misses it – it truly does make a difference.

I wonder if George the goose and his fine wife Henrietta and the rest of his family made it south to their destination? Climate change will be affecting their final resting spot for the winter months as well. They keep flying until they find food and no snow! And there would have been many a snowbird leaving Canada this fall as well, looking for a warmer climate and no snow.

One of the things I noticed one morning when I was out walking was the wind. The wind is often there, but do you actually listen to the wind? Our yard is protected by trees on 3 sides. So very often when I step out of the house, I don’t notice the wind. It is simply calm and quiet. As I walk further down our lane, I start to hear this rustling, bustling noise. How do you describe the sound of the wind? I’m not sure. As I step away from our majestic 100-year-old pine trees the wind starts to chill me. I wrap my coat tighter around me. The wind doesn’t bother my dogs. They keep running and playing and sniffing the new smells from the day before. We spend a few minutes out there in the open howling wind and return to the protection of my trees. They feel like a warm scarf wrapped around my neck or a nice cuddly blanket to wrap myself in. I had never thought of my trees as being a security blanket, but they are. They protect me as I step outside every day. It can be a horrible whipping wind out there, but within my yard it is a peaceful place. Protected by my trees. When you have your own property try and make sure you have trees to protect you and place your security blanket around you!

And for those of you who are in your 60’s you probably remember “Who Has Seen the Wind?” by W.O Mitchell. I loved making a joke about this, most people don’t get it as they don’t know anything about this book. But I still love asking the question who has seen the wind? Why it’s W.O Mitchell. And then I must explain that this was a book that we were required to read in grade 6. Mr. W.O. Mitchell is a Saskatchewan author, so it was a required read and from what I remember we enjoyed it. My joke makes me laugh every time I tell it. Lol!

Now, out with the old and in with the new. What does 2022 have waiting for you? Are you ready to travel? Or like myself so happy to live where I do and just enjoy the simple life I lead? It has been a crazy year from a pandemic to weather systems causing major amounts of damage.

  • Are you a superstitious person? I googled new year superstitions and there are lots. All countries have some kind of a superstition at new year’s. Here are a few I liked.The Midnight Kiss is to bring you good luck in your love life. Kissing your loved one at midnight will bring you good luck in your relationship for the next year.

  • This one is from Columbia – running around with an empty suitcase, even if it’s just around your house will bring you a year filled with travel and adventure.

  • Remember to put cash in your wallet before midnight to bring you prosperity for the new year and the next 12 months. I am going to remember this one. I haven’t tried it before, might as well try this year.

  • Spain says to eat 12 grapes. One grape for each month to bring you good luck for the upcoming year. But they must be eaten before 12:01 to do any good. Gobble those grapes!

  • Open all of your windows and doors at midnight to let out the old year and bring in the new year.

  • Be loud – make lots of noise to avoid having evil spirits enter your home / life. Bang on those pots and pans, cheer and make noise. This is why fireworks is very popular – maybe?

Anyways, enough about superstitions, there are a lot of them. Every culture has one or two to share with the world if you do a little research on the internet – information at your fingertips.

And on that I hope you enjoy your New Year’s Eve celebration however small or big it is. Make some noise and celebrate! Here’s the best to you and your family for good health, happiness and peace.

I have chosen one of my favorite bands “ABBA” and their song Happy New Year. They released a new album Voyage on November 5th, 2021. “The Visitors” was their last album released on November 30th, 1981.


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Christmas Traditions