Christmases Past

Christmases Past - December 15th, 2023

And here we are the middle of December and no snow. It has happened before that we have had little snow at Christmas. But, not many that I can remember. I am thinking of one. Not sure what year. Mid 1990’s going with a guess. And according to the weatherman there is no snow in the next couple of weeks forecasted and the reason is El Nino who is causing us to have a “brown” Christmas. The definition of a brown Christmas is having less than 2 cm of snow on the ground.

I can officially listen to Christmas songs in my house without getting “the look”! Not everyone enjoys Christmas music, but for those of us who do it is nice to hear and enjoy the songs of Christmas once a year.

I joined the Prince Albert ladies choral group – The Watsonairs, this fall and have very much enjoyed singing with them. We had our concert the day it rained and rained. Thank goodness the snow stayed away. People came out to listen to us and the other entertainment that was there. We raised over $4400 for The Salvation Army – a worthy cause, especially at Christmas. It was nice to see the church full of people, enjoying the music of Christmas. We also sang at Shellbrook, and what a musical community they are. That was a full house as well. And entertainment from all ages. Very young to sort of old!

I am sure a lot of you are busy doing some Christmas baking (if you have sugar) and have decorated your tree and your house / yard. I had put up some outdoor decorations about a month ago, thinking I had better do it before it gets cold. And here we are, and the weather is still nice. Lots of great weather for people to still put up outside decorations if they want. It sure is a lot more pleasant doing it when it is on the warm side. Once again my decorating has been limited due to the uselessness of my shoulder. It is better than it was, but I can only do something for a few minutes and then need to rest it. Take some Tylenol and do something else in a half hour or so.

As Christmas approaches - young children are getting excited about Santa coming down the chimney and bringing them presents that they can’t wait to have. Have they been naughty or nice? How many times have they been threatened since mid-November? Santa Claus coming has been a great way to discipline children for years. Just the threat of Santa not bringing them presents makes most children stop and think about what they are doing and behave the way their parents want them to.

Can you remember your best Christmas present ever? I have a couple. One was when I was in grade two. I wanted a portable transiter radio with earplugs. My babysitter had one and I thought it was just the best invention ever. To be able to tune into a radio station and listen to music through the speaker or through earplugs. No one to bug you – just listen to the latest tunes on the station. Which, at that time would have been about 2 stations. I remember going to bed and dreaming about this radio and thinking there is no way Santa Claus is bringing me this gift. I have no idea how much it would have been to purchase even. When I googled this information apparently in the 1960’s, the Japanese started making electronics as post-war recovery. They were selling for $15 in the U.S. in the early 60’s. This still wasn’t cheap, as it would equal $160 today. Back then it was one special gift from Santa and a couple of presents from your parents and of course a present from your grandparents. The unwrapping of gifts didn’t go on for two hours as I have witnessed in recent years. Which is another whole topic.

I listened to my transiter radio for many years, falling asleep with the earplugs in. I must have went through a lot of batteries. And I still have this radio, which is amazing. My mother has hung on to so many items over the years. It amazes me what she brings out of the tickle trunk. Oh, the things we keep.

The brand name of my radio is a Transette Deluxe Six and yes, made in Japan. It takes 4 double A batteries and came with a leather case. I put batteries in to test it out, but alas it no longer works. Maybe someone with electrical skill could get it to work again. I think it is strictly a keepsake now.

Another great present was getting a pair of Big Blue overalls in grade 10. They were very expensive as far as I was concerned and probably out of budget for a gift. I am thinking they were around $30, which may not seem like a lot of money now, but when you have 4 siblings - $30 was a lot of money for my parents. $30 times 5, now became $150 – if you wanted to keep the gift giving the same. I was so pleased to see those Big Blue overalls under the Christmas tree that year. They were worn many, many times. I never tired of them until they went out of style. And now are back in again. Oh, to be 115 pounds again. Haha!

Another fun part of Christmas was getting together with cousins and putting on a Christmas concert/show for the grandparents, aunts, uncles and of course your parents. As soon as we got together at Christmas the thinking, creative caps would go on. My one cousin was extremely talented on the piano so that was his part. He was like the director of our production. The rest of us would be singing or reciting parts that we made up. All of our plays were written by ourselves. Borrowing from Christmas plays or stories we knew and adapting them to what we wanted them to be. We would entertain ourselves for the majority of the Christmas afternoon, stopping only to eat and grab a drink. We would be off hidden in a bedroom or a basement working on our play, hardly able to contain our excitement until we could act out the play in front of the adults. And then the time would come. After supper, once dessert had been served and dishes were done, we could entertain the adults and show off our talents; singing, dancing, puppet show, tumbling, juggling, and who knows what else. And of course, the adults all thought we were just wonderful – especially our Granny. Anything a grandchild did was just the best – no one had done it better than us. We all felt special and especially loved on those special Christmas days. They bring fond memories of Christmas and family.

And when you think about it – that is what Christmas is. Family, food and visiting. We pull away from the table with one too many helpings - often forgetting to leave room for the dessert. The gifts are nice. Everyone loves a gift – but do you really need it? Or will it be tucked away in a drawer never to be seen again? Christmas isn’t about how much money we can spend on gifts. No child or person needs a multitude of gifts to open. Such a waste. Be resourceful. How special it is to give a homemade gift. And not all of us are crafty enough to make something, but you might be surprised by what you can do. The sad part is that so much of this takes time and thinking about it. I seem to start thinking about it December 15th – a little late to start knitting or sewing. Baked goods are always good though. Simply speaking – just enjoy those that are around you. The memory is what will stay with you.

And as I write this, I remember my sister who left us less than a year ago. This will be the first Christmas that I will not be able to talk to or see her. There will be many firsts for me, my family and most of all her family. She missed out on 3 new grandchildren born in 2023. She missed out on great nephews being born in 2023 and so many other events. All of a sudden life became very short for her and us. I know for many others the same has happened within their own families. We all remember the good times and try not to dwell on the sadness of not being able to celebrate with them, but there is always a tear not far away.

Now for a song. What shall it be this year? I don’t want to use the same one as last year. Good thing I keep track of them on a list as I would never ever remember on my own. And as I updated it a month ago and discovered I have used some songs more than once!

In 2021 I used Feliz Navidad by Jose Feliciano (still a favorite) and at Christmas by Sara Evans. 2022 I recommended these: Mele Kalikimaka – Bing Crosby and The Andrew Sisters and Let There Be Peace on Earth by Vince Gill and The Christmas Album by Boney M. Such a wide variety of Christmas music. Nat King Cole is another favorite with many beautiful Christmas songs. However, I have decided on instrumental music this year.

Two choices. First is Lindsey Stirling who is an amazing violinist and songwriter. Go watch her on YouTube - so talented. Her Christmas album “Best of Christmas Classics” is very relaxing and entertaining. I love them all – take a listen to Sleigh Ride as a bare minimum. The next is Mannheim Steamroller and the album “Christmas”. They are classified as a neoclassical new-age music band. They blend classical music with new age and rock and are well known for their Christmas music. I encourage you to take time to listen to both of these artists/bands. I love hearing music I haven’t heard before and then enjoy.

In closing of the year 2023 – have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy your family and friends, stay safe and once again be grateful for what you do have (as I remind myself the same). Fill your home with Christmas cheer, warmth and love.

P.S. Still looking for a last-minute Christmas gift? I have my cookbook “A Baker’s Dozen - 13 Recipes and 13 Stories on Amazon - Paperback and E-Book available. More on getting this accomplished next blog!


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