Don’t Let the Old Man In

Don’t Let the Old Man In - Toby Keith (In Memory Of) - February 20, 2024

Happy belated Valentine’s Day. Hope everyone enjoyed the day; however, that looked to each and everyone. Being married for over 43 years - doesn’t involve going out for supper anymore. Eating at home just seems easier and a lot less expensive! As we know - some days are diamonds and some days are stones!

We went for a two-week vacation to Mexico, Puerto Vallarta (one week) and the second week in Nuevo (Nayarit) in Mexico. We had beautiful warm weather every day. The humidity is so wonderful – any skin dryness disappears within 48 hours. The sore spot on my thumb that constantly needs care in the winter is repaired the next day. I had hurt my knuckle a few days before we left, by slamming it into a closing door (long story), and it was back to looking and feeling perfect 2 days later. And my skin is so soft. It is amazing how nice the humidity is for your skin. I quickly discovered it doesn’t take long to start drying out once you get back to good old Saskatchewan winter.

This is the first time have taken a full 2-week vacation somewhere. We have always gone for one week when taking a hot vacation in previous years. It was definitely nice being gone for two weeks but I was ready to come home. Our flights were direct both ways and they were on time both ways. No hiccups to speak of. We checked one bag and it arrived with us and made it back home again. We flew with WestJet and everything went smooth. This was the first time we had gone somewhere hot since pre-Covid. It was fun to get away!

The cost of living has gone up in Puerto Vallarta, just like it has here. From beer to food - all of the prices have increased. Some items would have been less than at home, but for the majority of items purchased prices were similar. It was definitely cheaper to go out and have a meal with drinks though. Years ago, you could find Cervesa’s for 10 or 20 pesos. We never did find a Cerseva at that price. If you shopped at a big grocery chain you could find liquor a bit cheaper sometimes. But I seldom go to a department store when I am on holidays. You will find me on the beach for the majority of my time. The price of a song from a Mariachi band or a singer has gone up too. Never found anyone who would play for less than $300 pesos - about $24 Canadian. And they didn’t mind me singing with them so that is kind of like priceless. Hahaha!

While being away I did notice that the resorts and the beaches were quieter than the last time we were there. Not as many people travelling to a warmer climate from what we could see. We did ask a few of the locals that spoke English and they agreed with us, that tourism is down this winter. My guess is economic hard times and the basic costs of living. Air flights have typically gone up, preventing some people from flying.

Have any of you started using Chat GPT - AI (artificial intelligence) yet? I have started playing around with it and it is so crazy how well they write for you. I have made a birthday card and a partial Valentine’s Day greeting using it. It is kind of scary when you think about it. The gift of writing and expressing one’s own thought will be a thing of the past. It definitely helps with writer’s block. All you do is type in a question and let the Chat GPT finish it for you. You can ask for a short version, or it will write several paragraphs for you. Writing a thesis or a story just became much easier as well as assignments for school. The technology we live with is getting more technical all the time. Where will it end??

For example:

As I walked along the beach that first day the smells and the sounds filled my senses:

“creating a serene and calming atmosphere. The salty scent of the ocean mingled with the fresh breeze, instantly transporting me to a state of relaxation. The rhythmic crashing of the waves against the shore created a soothing soundtrack, as if nature itself was orchestrating a symphony. The sound of seagulls overhead added a touch of whimsy to the scene. With each step I took, the sand beneath my feet shifted and molded to my weight, providing a gentle massage. It was a sensory experience that reminded me of the beauty and tranquility that nature has to offer.”

The above paragraph marked in quotation marks (“) was created using Chat GPT. Would you have guessed that it wasn’t me talking in my own words? I would know, but does the reader know? Did you know that is wasn’t me actually writing my thoughts? Does it really matter? AI simply expressed my feelings better than I could. It did take 4 or 5 tries to word my question correctly so that I got the answer I wanted though. That is part of the trick using Chat GPT. How to word your question to get the answer you are looking for.

When I published my book on Amazon one of the questions asked was whether or not I had used AI. There is nothing illegal about using it. Many people are using it to write books. I have had an idea for a fictional early teen/young adult series and I can see using AI to help me express the thoughts and ideas I have about it. Words for thought!

After we landed back in Saskatoon it took me a day or two to become acclimatized again. Going to bed the first night I had to layer up on clothing. I was chilly for one of the first times at night in a long time. My body temperature runs warmer than most, so I seldom feel chilly. My daughter complains to my husband that she doesn’t know how he can live with this old cold woman! Haha!

While we were away another great country artist passed away from that maddening disease called cancer - Toby Keith. So many people continue to pass away from one type or another of cancer. So much money has been raised and put towards research and still no cures.

Picking a song made it easier because of the death of Toby. The song I am choosing is “Don’t Let the Old Man In” and I must share some of the history of that song for those of you who don’t know about it. Toby Keith wrote it and recorded it in 2019. However, it was used in the movie “The Mule”. Toby Keith met Clint Eastwood at a charity golf tournament in 2018. Eastwood was working on his film The Mule. Toby was surprised by the energy Eastwood had, despite being 88 years old. Eastwood remarked “I don’t let the old man in.” Keith liked the line and immediately wrote the song. 5 years later, Keith performed the song at the 2023 People’s Choice Country Awards - one year after his stomach cancer diagnosis. Willie Nelson also recorded this song in 2020 and did a fabulous job of it too. I leave you with this song and hope you take the time to listen to the song and the words. As I write this last paragraph it brings tears to my eyes and my heart for one more person lost to cancer. Take care everyone.


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