October - the Month of Gratitude

Saskatchewan Sunset

October – where has it gone? Where has the time gone? One day we start a new month, the next thing you know that month has gone by and now we are looking at less than 2 months until Christmas. The saying “time flies” sure is true.

We looked forward to Thanksgiving once more, sharing food with our family and perhaps friends and for some folk, perhaps none of the above options. We are living and experiencing a new way of socializing being in the middle of a pandemic that has not yet ended.

What is Thanksgiving? Why do we celebrate this day? Thanksgiving is a national holiday in Canada and the USA. We take time to celebrate the harvest and the blessings of the past year. It is a time to reflect on what we have, and we should remember to be grateful for all we do have. There are many other unfortunate people who do not have the abundance of what myself, family and friends have. Living in Canada is a blessing in itself. Many other people from other countries look at Canada as a great place to celebrate freedom, employment and personal growth.

This past year has seen a good / decent harvest for farmers and gardeners. And like most years, some crops are better than others. So, what about our city folk or people who don’t garden. What are they grateful / thankful for? Do you appreciate the flowers growing around the city or the ones you have planted yourself? The beautiful well mown grass? Some yards are so pristine, the houses so well kept. I love living in the country, but sometimes think, wow how easy it would be to just have a small piece of land to look after. A lawn that is cut in 15 minutes vs 3 hours. But, in my heart I am a country girl. I love the peacefulness of being away from the city.

I found a poster on Facebook one day that had many good sayings on what we should be grateful for, and I will share them with you today.

  • Don’t like your job? Remember, your job is the dream of the unemployed. Not everyone unemployed chooses to be. There can be a lot of reasons why someone is not working. Don’t be the judge.

  • Don’t forget to smile at others as you meet them on the street. Your smile may be the dream of the depressed. Your smile just might brighten someone’s day. It only takes a second to change that deep thought or frown into a smile. Smiling also elevates your own mood, decreases your stress, and makes you more attractive to those around you. It’s a win-win situation

  • Don’t complain about the small aches and pains you may have. Being healthy is the dream of a person who is sick. Many people are truly sick with uncurable diseases, waiting for surgery, or needing medications they can’t afford. Count your blessings for being able to get up every morning and function. Take that walk, drive a car, go to a movie, enjoy the company of children and pets. Remember to be grateful for what you do have, not what you don’t.

  • Which leads to the final point – hang out with positive people. Stay clear of the negativity. Negativity creates more negativity. Look at the positive side. Keep your glass half full – not half empty.

This next part is just good advice for one and all, young and old. Remember to laugh and I mean a really good belly laugh as it is extremely good for your wellbeing. Did you know laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts your mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress? Humor helps to lighten your burden, connects you to others. Laughter will help to keep you grounded, stay focused and alert. The best part? Laughter helps to release anger and allows you to forgive sooner. (Parts of these points were taken from the Help Guide on the Internet.) Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh can relieve physical tension and stress. It can leave your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.

Laughter protects the heart, it burns calories, lightens an angry mood, it triggers endorphins (the body’s natural feel-good chemicals). If you’re having a not so good day – figure out a way to have a good hearty laugh. We recently bought a puppy and my goodness does he make me laugh. His energy and the way he tears around the yard or the house just cracks me up. Puppies are sweet, loving and mischievous. Make sure you know what they are up to. They are just like kids – if they are quiet in the house, what are they into? Destroying the toilet paper towel roll, chewing your favorite shoe, wrecking their bed you just purchased for them? Stay alert!

Find a calendar that has a new joke every day. Each day you check it and see if it brings a smile or some laughter to your belly. Maybe you have a tv show that makes you laugh. Which character makes you laugh? At the same time, don’t get too hung up on the television, it’s very non-productive to watch too much television.

How about a grandchild or a neighborhood kid? Kids do say the darndest things as we know. Art Linkletter made a lot of money with his show called just that. Interesting tidbit – Art Linkletter was a Canadian-born American radio and television personality.

Take up a new hobby, meet new people, and most of all – learn to laugh at yourself. Lighten up, don’t be so serious. Just laugh!

That's it for this time folks. I hope you’re enjoying these tidbits of information I share a couple of times a month with you.

Now for a song. What is it going to be? I have chosen a song by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young from the album Déjà vu (1970):

Our House – this song makes you feel thankful for the simple things in life, which is what Thanksgiving is all about.


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