The Overlooked Month of June

Calm and quiet June days

I am sitting in my lawn chair, soaking up a really hot sun and thinking June…What an overlooked month. Today is hotter than any of the days we had last summer. 34 or 35 Celsius out. Like how hot is that?

We think we need to take holidays in July and August and yet – think about it! The longest day of the year is in June. The evenings can be so warm and long – there is so much daylight to enjoy. And don’t forget to start firing up the barbeque and the smoker. Some people avoid these in the winter; now it’s time for everyone to get smoking and barbequing!

The campgrounds are empty, nice and quiet and peaceful. They get busy when the kids get out of school. The trees are getting greener, the fish are biting and the days just keep getting longer. If you are still working and put in a holiday request – you’ll probably get to take it.

Mother Nature just gets greener and prettier each day. Flowers start blooming, birds are singing from early in the morning to later at night. The bees are visiting you – looking for nectar from your flowers. Make sure you have flowers for the bees. We need the bees. Put out your sugar water for the hummingbirds. They usually return every year to your feeder once they find it. They are fascinating to watch. How quickly those wings move. I usually hear them before I see them. That’s when you know your hearing still works!

A fresh rain falls gently upon the earth and smells sooooo good. And once that rain lands, the greens just start to pop. Those tiny seeds we planted start popping out of the ground. What was black stubble now starts to show its new color - green. The leaves grow and fill out. Where you could once see through a bush that visual is now gone. The fallen tree you don’t notice. The little birds and bugs have their homeland back. Nobody is looking to destroy their natural habitat. Everything is lush and full of life.

So the next time you need to take a StayCay - think June! Take in Mother Nature as a new season unfolds before your eyes. Everyday is a new one. Take a deep breath and enjoy. Savour the moment, be grateful and breathe deep. Lay on the grass and make grass angels. Grab a beverage, turn on the tunes and relax. Spring has truly arrived. Remember, take time to smell the roses and observe the beautiful palette mother nature has painted around us. The beautiful pink of the wild roses as they bloom around us is just one example of the many wildflowers growing around us.

What song should you play? Try this one – it will bring a smile to your face - “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong


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