Autumn Leaves are Falling

Autumn Leaves are Falling - October 15, 2022

Picking a topic to blog about isn’t always easy. The other evening as I was sitting outside a song came on and I was like, yes, I need to write about this song. So today you are getting the song first and then the blog.

I am outside, enjoying one more evening under my patio heater. Everyone really needs to get one. They are so awesome. But back to the point. The song playing is “That Lucky Old Sun”. It is sung by Kenny Chesney and Willie Nelson. Not written by either one. But the lyrics are awesome. As I did my research on this song, I discovered it was originally recorded in 1949 by Frankie Laine. It has been covered many, many times by various artists. Kenny and Willie’s version is my favorite. The words were written by Haven Gillespie and the music by Beasley Smith. 

It talks about life in general.

“Up in the morning out on my job

Work like a devil for my pay

And that lucky old sun ain’t got nothing to do

But roll around heaven all day”

Are we enjoying what we are doing? We spend so much of our life working, it is nice if we can go to work and enjoy it. Are we with someone we love, who loves us as much as we love them? Where is our path in life leading us?

“Show me that river - lead me across

Take all my troubles away” 

How we wish someone could just step in and take our troubles away. Whether we are worried for ourselves or for someone else. As we age health becomes an issue. How we wish we were 18 again (maybe). I’d prefer to be about 40.

“Like that lucky old sun, I have nothing to do

But roll around in heaven all day”

Don’t we just wish that is where we all end up? Rolling around in heaven all day?

As we age, we have no guarantees where our lucky old sun is taking us. North, south, east or west.

We like to think we are invincible. Nothing will happen to me. I get up each morning. I walk my dogs; I eat decently healthy. I try and get a good night’s sleep. And then life changes. Suddenly what seemed to be a small ache or pain turns into something so much bigger. Life threatening? Possibly.

How do we deal with that emotion. What seemed so secure has become very precarious. No longer safe and sound in our bubble. This new information turns a person’s life and family into a “tumultuous uproar”. (Taken from Jimmy Buffet, I love that word “tumultuous”.) Where we didn’t worry about tomorrow, we start thinking about what if …. Doctor appointments become common, x-rays and scans, prescription drugs with side effects. All in an attempt to heal what is wrong with our once strong body.

We are all getting older. Some of us are lucky and age well. A few aches and pain. Nothing that “Aleve” can’t look after. Aging isn’t easy. Whoever thought we’d get old? I didn’t. So naïve.

And as we age, guess what comes next? Retirement. Did a person put enough money away? Possibly and possibly not. Did you work for a business that had a pension plan or did you work for private business - no retirement/pension plan there. The employer will tell you it’s your responsibility to put away money for retirement. But is there ever enough money? No. So guess who doesn’t get paid? You’re right. You and your pension plan. 

Learn from what I am laying down here. Plan for retirement. Put some money away. When you are 20, 60 seems like a very long ways away. And then, here it is you are now in your 60’s. Possibly ready physically to retire, but not financially.

Now, on the lighter side. What a fabulous autumn. The weather has been warm. Gardens are being cleaned, potatoes and carrots are put away for the upcoming winter. And whatever else we have processed and canned are put away too. It’s an awesome time of year.

Farmers are done with the harvest and what a harvest it has been. The grain bins are full this year and over-flowing. Too much grain, what a dilemma! It’s a great one to have.

The leaves are starting to turn making a fabulous array of colour out there. And there hadn’t been a major wind until this week. The leaves have now blown all over the yard and possibly into the neighbours’ yard as well. Our blanket of color now has some major holes in it. Some leaves are stronger than others and remain on the trees. The kaleidoscope of color has changed.

The squirrels have been super busy getting ready for winter. They are storing away acorns and throwing out the ones they don’t want I’m guessing. We have very old, tall pine trees in our yard and there are acorns everywhere this year; scattered amongst where the trees are. Sometimes it is just the acorn and other times it is a piece of the tree with cones attached. What a bunch of busyness.

And as the leaves fall, we know what is coming next – WINTER! Some of us love it and others despise winter. Many people take off and head south, commonly referred to as Snowbirds. Myself, I enjoy all the seasons and feel fortunate to enjoy each one of them. I enjoy riding my snowmobile when there is lots of snow and the weather isn’t too nasty out there. I do not enjoy -35 and a wind chill taking it to -50. No thanks, I prefer to stay in the house and turn the heat up on those days.

I will leave you with these thoughts today and a quick update on my dog Benny. He is about a year and a half old now. He has been through 2 sets of dog training and is doing quite well. However, he falls short in his socialization skills with other dogs. Living in the country does not make for very many chances to meet new dogs. So, when he does, he kind of loses his mind. Just wants to sniff and get playing. And he is too aggressive in his meet and greet. Therefore, he has started going to a “Headstart” program for dogs. He goes twice a week for training and daycare. This program is for 8 sessions over 4 weeks. I will update you when he has completed his training and see what these trainers think of him. They already love him because he is such a character. He gets to go on a field trip near the end of his training. Sure hope he can pass with flying colours. Hahaha

And that is it for today. May we continue to have more awesome autumn weather and keep the white flakes away for a couple more months. And take time to listen to “That Lucky Old Sun” - it is worth the listen.


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