My $20 Buck Life

My $20 Buck Life - October 31, 2022

I’m pretty sure we are all familiar with $5 $5 $5. Any 2nd pizza from Pizza Hit was $5 bucks. How could you go wrong?

My life has become $20 bucks, $20 bucks, $20 bucks. And I believe it is time to make a change. More on that in another blog.

I wrote my cookbook and published it about 1.5 years ago. It took me 2 years to get it from when I started writing it and getting it published. This was a major feat.

What would my price be? What is a good number that people will purchase it for themselves or as a gift? The winning number was $20 bucks.

And it worked. It was a great number. I sold many of them that first evening on my Facebook live post with my daughter. I still go back and watch that live video once in awhile. We were like being on TSC (The Shopping Channel). We were so good we could have been. There are parts of that video that make me laugh every time I go view it. Maybe I should send them my video - another new job in life.

 However, back to $20 bucks. For some crazy reason, I have always managed to stay busy. I am sure it is from my upbringing. My mom was always busy doing something. Cleaning, laundering, baking, preparing food. We try to not be like our parents, but we end up to a certain extent being like them. My father was always busy as well. Being a farmer there is always something going on at the farm. And so, this is the way my life seems to be. Always doing something and always trying to make a few extra $20 bucks to pay another bill.  

I have a couple of neighbours who buy bread from me on a regular basis. I enjoy making it when I have time and guess what? I sell 4 loaves for $20 bucks, delivery included. For some this may seem too expensive. For me it was the right price. And then I got thinking the other evening - $20 bucks is showing up again.  

What is my latest $20 buck gig? I had been thinking about this idea for quite awhile. And then life brings a hiccup and away goes that idea until another day. Several months later the light bulb comes back on, and it is time to work on that idea from many months ago.

I have some excellent recipes that I use regularly for spice mixtures, rubs or dips. I had wanted to create a 3-package line to start with. Originally, I did just the spice jars with their recipes, sold a few but quickly realized I needed better presentation. I knew what I wanted the packaging to look like. Just needed to find it. And I did at a reasonable price as well. And all of that packaging came with a price. Every piece of tissue paper, shredded paper, label, string, and tag had to be accounted for. As all crafters know, you don’t make money on your time. After calculating and researching – what could I charge for my home styled gift package of 3? A spice, a rub, and a dip. What should I charge? You got it $20 bucks. How does that happen? It happened without me thinking about it until one day, I am like what is it with $20 bucks and my life?

The saga continues. The next day I am doing some computer work for my father. It took us longer than I thought it would but that was no problem.  We enjoyed coffee and a nice visit. When the project was finished of course my father wanted to pay me. And what did he want to give me? Well, you guessed it $20 x 2. $40. Now I didn’t want anything for helping him out that morning, but he insisted so I kept the money. 

Now here is a lesson for those of you that don’t know this. When your parent or grandparent / close friend wants to give you money for having done something. Take it. They want to give it to you so let them. Perhaps you don’t need the money, but you offend them by not taking it. Go buy something special that will always remind you of that day you did something for them. They want you to have it. When you refuse you are hurting their feelings. So just take the money, tuck it away for a rainy day. Treat yourself to something you typically wouldn’t do or buy. Then you keep the memory forever in your heart.

I did go and do some research on the number 20, but I found it kind of boring, so I decided bahhhh – not going to do a write up on that. Instead, I decided what can I buy with $20 bucks for a meal for two. We all know groceries are expensive and it is in the news on a regular basis. Our government has decided they are going to do a study that will take over 1 year to hear back on the results. Really? Like what good does that study do anyone – other than let us pay more taxes.

Here is what I found. I went to one store and did my own shopping. You need to be thrifty and have time to take advantage of sales. The store had pre-cooked BBQ ribs on sale for $8.99 regular $15.99. Good value there. More than enough for 2 older people to eat. Protein is covered. They had their garlic baguette on sale for $2.99. Yeah, a yummy bread (I hope) to go with the ribs. Next a vegetable or salad. I decided on the Sweet Kale salad – dressing included. $7.99 and I am out of money. I will get 2 meals out of the salad kit, so I can have that for lunch the next day. The other choice I thought about was a can of corn – Jolly Green Giant $2.19. I could save .50 if I go with a no name product. I’m staying with JGG. I now have enough money for some milk. A 2 Litre of milk is 4.55, however I can get 4 Litres for $5.75. A much better value, but can I drink 4 litres of milk in 10 days? Watch those expiry dates!!! If I have cereal the milk will provide for a few days of breakfast as well. But, once again if I take the 4-litre jug of milk I am out of money. Decisions, decisions. (I also have a garden, so my potatoes were covered for this meal – as I have put quite a few away for the upcoming winter.)

As you can see budgeting takes a lot of work. I also find that to get the best value you often have to buy the larger quantity. This is where if you have a friend or a family member that you can share groceries with you can save money that way and not waste the over abundance of what you purchased hoping to use it up before it goes bad. Also, watch the stores that have points that go with your purchasing. Some foods have extra points by purchasing them or you can use points to purchase a food with. It is a challenge to say the least stretching your limited dollars on groceries these days. Watch for coupons as well, they can help to stretch your dollar too.

 Hope everyone had a safe, scary and Happy Halloween. The rainy, snowy weather stayed away for all those trick and treaters so that they can stay dry and decently warm. And we know what is coming next – SNOW!

 What kind of a song shall I leave with you today? I looked up songs that turned 20 years old in 2022. It took me a long time to find a song I really liked. Must have been a bad year for music for me! No wonder I keep listening to the 70’s. I have chosen “The Best Day” by George Strait. I really like George Strait and this song has nice lyrics – as always. Written by Carson Chamberlain and Dean Dillon.

Until next time – stay safe and have fun.


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