
Circles - April 30, 2022

Circles. Why would I write about circles? What is there to say about them that would be interesting. Well, there are a few things that I think you will find interesting. Once I started looking there are lots of areas of life where circles are a part of it. Here are a few I found interesting.

The other day I was sitting out on the deck (it was finally warm enough to do this as I was out of the wind). I had my sunglasses on, and I was looking up at the sky, the birds, my crows (in particular) and then I looked up at the sun. I know, we are not supposed to look at the sun as we will go blind, we’ve been told this many times since being a child. Hence, I could as I had my sunglasses on. As I looked up at the sun, I noticed a circle around it that looked like a rainbow. It was a complete perfect circle outside of the sun. Many of you out there have probably noticed this before. I was surprised when I told someone what I had seen and they were like oh yeah, I’ve seen that before. I guess not that uncommon. But it was still really cool to see it. Kind of like sundogs – but different. And I really hope everyone has seen a sundog in the sky – another cool creation by mother nature.

I decided to do a little research on what causes them – in case you are like me and haven’t noticed them before. They are referred to as a halo and are caused by high, thin cirrus clouds that drift high above our heads. Tiny ice crystals in the Earth’s atmosphere creates these halos. It is done by refracting and reflecting the light. If you see a lunar halo, it means that storms are nearby. And there you have it – your science lesson for today from someone besides Bill Nye – the Science Guy! Hahaha!!

Next on my circle stories is the “Circles of Life”. What does it mean? Here is one definition I found. “The natural cycle of procreation, birth, life and predation (the action of attacking or plundering). As we know we can start anywhere on a circle, follow it around and we always come back to where we started. And of course, The Lion King movie from Disney, which made the song “Circle of Life” by Elton John so popular. Our children were quite young when this movie came out. I have great memories of driving around town in our older Grand Marquis station wagon, with the stereo and subwoofer just pumping out the bass to this soundtrack as we all sang along. And when their friends showed up, they sang along too. It was a very catchy soundtrack and enjoyed by everyone in my “circle”. What was Disney’s meaning? The Lion King’s circle of life was about the beginning of life, from when we are born and until we die. Then our family we have created carry on what they have learned from their parents and elders.

Another definition is nature’s way of taking and giving back life to earth. It represents the immeasurable nature of energy, meaning if something should die it gives new life to another. And like the leaves that fall from the trees – they fall to the ground and lay there to break down and create a layer of organic material around the tree from which they fell. Or if it’s a windy autumn like our spring has been, get blown away and land somewhere else to decay. The leaf material is converted back into simple carbon dioxide and water. (Some more science for you.) I would love to let all the leaves return to the ground, but I have to remove them from my lawn and my flower beds. I do leave them there in the fall though as they hold moisture. (I was told this by my grandfather.) I scatter the leaves out in the field or our garden so that they can be worked into the soil by the tractor.

Enough on the science lessons. Now for some laughter. Another expression commonly used is going around in circles – getting nothing done – this is the way I feel sometimes. Why am I in the basement? I know I came down here for something. What is it? I stand there and scratch my head, try to think what it is I’m looking for, can’t remember and head back to the kitchen. Oh yeah, now I know, I needed a can of coffee, or some other ingredient for the house. If I don’t write things down on a list, I will not remember everything I have to pick up at the store. It helps if I tell myself – okay I need 4 things. But when do you go to the store and come out with 4 things? This happened to me yesterday. I needed 4 things, I had a list, came out with about a dozen items and the 4th item I needed was not one of them. And of course, I was home by the time I realized I had forgotten that one item I wanted. As the old saying goes, check your list, and check it twice. Next time.

What goes around, comes around – what does that mean? Basically, you would hear this when you felt someone has done you wrong. And you think, “okay, I’m not going to get myself all twisted out of shape. They’ll get what is coming to them. I don’t know when or where, but it will happen.” It gives you some inner peace and you release the anger or emotion that is inside of you and move on. We all know it is not a good idea to hold anger inside. Breathe deep and release it. This saying can work in the reverse too. Do a good deed and something good will come back to you. Often referred to as Karma. Spread good Karma, you’ll feel better for it.

Picking a song today was very easy as the idea for this blog came from a song by Serena Ryder, Canadian artist – called Circle of the Sun – 2012. However, once I started looking for circle songs there were many songs to choose from. Another one I like is The Circle Game which Joni Mitchell wrote in 1966. Before she released it in 1970 on the album Ladies of the Canyon it was covered by Ian & Sylvia and Buffy Sainte-Marie in 1967, Canadian artists also. Tom Rush covered it in 1968 an American artist. My favorite version is definitely Buffy Sainte-Marie’s. Take time to have a listen and pick your favorite!

That’s it for now. We are finally having spring like weather for a few days. 17 today. I hope all of you have gotten outside to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. I think most of us have found it to be a very long winter and just can’t wait to see green grass. As cold as it has been I have noticed that the pussy willows are out. We will have green leaves before we know it and out will come those lawnmowers, rakes, yard clean up, plant flowers, and the list goes on. Spring has finally sprung I believe – now get out there and enjoy it!


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