Shake the Dust Off

Shake the Dust Off - May 15, 2022

It’s May and we are patiently awaiting our first spring shower. The snow from winter has mostly melted. When I started writing this a few days ago there was still snow in the bush lines. But it appears that the snow has finally melted with this weekend’s rainfall. We had snowbanks at the beginning of May that were still 6-8 feet high. Those winter winds can certainly pack the snow into the trees. And if we remember our winter had a lot of wind this past year.

This weekend we managed to get rain instead of snow. It would have been wonderful to be able to sit outside and listen to the rain and smell the sweetness of that rain. Sitting outside and listening to the rain fall on the veranda roof places a sense of calm around me. However, 2 degrees Celsius is not exactly the warm rain weather that makes me want to be outside to enjoy it. How do you describe the smell of rain? You want to inhale deeply and just breathe it in; it is such a sweet, fresh smell. Instead, I listened to the howling wind and the rain beat against the side of the house. The moisture was very welcomed. It has now settled the dust and will help the leaves pop out and the grass turn green. Start your lawnmower!

What is it about spring that makes a person want to start cleaning? If it’s nice outside, we grab a rake and start cleaning out the flower beds. All the dead leftovers from last summer now need to be pulled and cleaned up to get ready for spring’s planting. We take the broom and sweep our walks and our decks. Get out the leaf blower and blow the unwanted leaves and pussy willows into the bush. Out will come the pressure washer to thoroughly clean the deck possibly or the exterior of your home. We make sure our winter decorations are replaced with something that says summertime.

And how can we forget the interior of the house? Are you one of those people that must wash your walls? Sometimes I am and sometimes I’m not. What about a new coat of paint? Do you put on a new coat of paint in a room to smarten it up? I’m not sure why, but as spring approaches it seems like I want to start cleaning more thoroughly. Kind of like a cleansing of my home. Look up into the corners of the ceiling – are there any cobwebs up there? Sometimes there are and sometimes there aren’t. And then there are those darn baseboards that seem to catch dust. That’s another job that is only done a couple times of year. Move the refrigerator – oh yes, there are some dust bunnies back there. Just one of the many spots that collect dust bunnies. And don’t forget the bathroom. The smallest room in the house, but the most time consuming to clean.

Enough about cleaning the house, my list could go on forever. Do I get it all done? Not anymore. The energy level to clean is not what it used to be. Kind of like the “old grey mare” – she ain’t what she used to be either.

A recent experience of mine was taking part in a 10-day cleanse for my body. Now why would I want to do that? I enjoy eating. Why do I want to starve and not eat for 10 days? First reason is because my daughter asked me to participate in it with her. Reason #2 was because I know I need to lose a few pounds, maybe this could kick start that weight loss and motivate me to keep up the healthy eating. I decided yes, let’s do this. Plus, it helps when you have a partner to go on an adventure like this one. Hello fruit, veggies, lots of tea and water and supplements to keep you from starving.

We started on a Monday, and we could eat fruit, vegetables and limited protein. The next day was fruit and vegetables. The following day just vegetables. Then came the hard part just soup broth, tea and water for 3 days. It was going better than I thought it would. However, by Sunday I could have eaten anything that was real food. I was so tired of just liquids. I ended up making some chicken wings for my husband that evening and when I put that plate of food in front of him as well as my daughter and myself well, we both cracked. We couldn’t take the smell or the look of those chicken wings sitting in front of us. We had to eat one, which did lead to eating two. The best tasting chicken wing I could remember. Real food. I felt guilty for breaking the cleanse but considering everything, I had done very well to eat as clean as I had. Monday I was able to start having fruit, Tuesday fruit and veggies and then came Wednesday.

I couldn’t wait for that morning to get here. I was able to introduce some eggs or tofu protein into my diet.  I had set my alarm for 5:00 am so I could make myself an omelette before going to work. By 4:30 I was awake, I couldn’t stay in bed any longer – let’s get this show on the road. I showered got ready for work and headed for the kitchen. Did my morning Essentrics workout then headed to the fridge for the eggs, peppers, mushrooms and green onion. It was omelette time. Once again, best tasting omelette ever. I so appreciated all the flavors exploding in my mouth. Food was just tasting so much better. I had enlightened my taste buds by being away from food, salt and sugar for 10 days.

For the next few days, I had to slowly introduce food back into my diet. You don’t want to overdo it, or you may end up with a bad stomach reaction. Was it worth going through? Yes, I lost some weight and it helped me change my eating habits. Get back to eating healthy and continue to lose more weight is the next goal. I gained more energy and found I didn’t have to blow my nose nearly as often. I discovered that sugar creates mucus, which makes us blow our nose, sneeze, etc. Removing added sugars from your diet helps you to stop craving it. The more sugar you eat the more you want it. You do need some sugar as it is a requirement to supply glucose to the brain and provide energy to cells around the body. I’m not a dietician or anything so don’t think you can totally eliminate certain foods from your diet. Check with your doctor of nutritionist before making radical changes because a doctor I am not! The cleanse definitely helped with cravings. Would I do it again? Yes, I would and probably will in the fall. We’ll see – no guarantee on that one.

And as I wrote this, I ended up outside sweeping cobwebs from the corner of the veranda roof, which led to blowing dust off the deck with the leaf blower and the list went on.

Now for a song. What shall it be this week? I thought about using the Green, Green Grass of Home – various artists have covered it. I decided to go with an artist whose name has dust in it. And who would that be? Why it is Dusty Springfield. She is an English singer whose career spanned over 5 decades, extremely popular in the 1960’s. Unfortunately, she died at the young age of 59 from breast cancer. The song I chose is Wishin’ and Hopin’ from 1964. It always puts a bounce in my step when I hear it. Have a great May and here’s to warm, sunny days.


On The Road Again

