It’s A Blog-O!

It’s A Blog-O - September 1, 2022

Today is about humor and a little bit of this and that. What in the world is a blog-o you ask yourself? It’s a “blog” in Italian or Mexican language (not really, but I like to make up stories!)

Blog-o / pizza! See the similarity? I do. These languages love to end their words in a vowel. If you have seen The Jersey Boys, Frankie Valli decides to change his name from Castelluccio to Valley. However, his girlfriend says it has to end in an “i’ not a “y”. Turns out that story is not true. He changed his name after a country singer from Texas, Jean Valli. Just can’t believe what you see on the big screen. But it is a funny part of the musical. Worthwhile going to see live or stream online.

Other common words or greetings we hear are “Hola” a greeting used in the Spanish language. Although I have never been to Spain, we have used this greeting when we are in Mexico. Just add a vowel to the end of a word and you are close to speaking Mexican or Spanish. HaHaHa

“Mucho” is another word often heard in Mexico. Mucho can describe many things. Mucho gracias – thank you very much. Except, the proper way to use mucho is muchas. Mucho is singular and masculine, so it really doesn’t work. But when I am practicing my very bad Mexican/Spanish/Mexican it all sounds good to me. Majority of people who speak these languages would believe I am just cracked. Fun to laugh at oneself though. Best to not take oneself to serious – makes for way more fun and laughter.

One of the funnier times when were we travelling was when we were in Italy. I was trying to explain my daughter’s camera to a family of Italians when we were in Rome, still makes me laugh. My daughter had an instamatic polaroid camera with her and was taking pictures of the colosseum. One of the young children had never seen a camera like this and was very intrigued with it. So, in my very best Italian I tried to explain it to him. I tried to use some sign language and eventually I told him it was “instamatico”. Now anyone with good Italian language would know what I was trying to say. Our family cracked up over that great explanation for many years and still do. These are just a few examples of my great 2nd language – Spanish /Mexican/Italian. I make for a very interesting traveller to say the least. Always worth a laugh or two.

Another time in Mexico; it was our first morning for breakfast, so my Mexican wasn’t too sharp yet. The hostess sat us down at a table. Shortly thereafter we were greeted in Mexican by our server and she greeted with an Hola! I answered back A-lo! A combination between hello in English and Hola in Mexican. It was a complete mess up. My husband cracked up and has enjoyed telling this story more than once on my fabulous grasp of the Mexican language. These are the types of incidents that make great memories as well as story telling.

We went to Varadero a few years ago. I didn’t have much luck trying to talk Cuban. Mucho more successful in Mexico.

Over the years I have enjoyed vacationing at different parts of the world. When Covid hit us all, it basically shut down travel for a lot of people, myself included. I am still not sure when we will hit the airports again. I have never found airports and planes something that I just loved. There was always a certain amount of stress involved with flying. I am somebody who likes to be early for all things involved with flying. From checking in, to getting through security. Until I am sitting at the gate waiting for the stewardess or steward to announce our plane is ready to start boarding, I am not relaxed. Now when I watch television and see the lineups of people, lost luggage, horrific stories from travellers; I do believe my only way of travel will be by vehicle for the next few years and in Canada.

As I write this, the weather has been very warm these past few days and more warm weather is headed our way. The swathers and combines are seen in the various fields as you drive around in the country. Canola that was once was a rich yellow has turned green and now into a golden-brown colour. Instead of an abundance of yellow around me on my morning walk it is now various stages of gold. Crops look better than they have for years. More grain bins will be going up around the farmyards, which simply means more bins – more money. But don’t forget all of this comes at a cost for the farmer. Input costs are higher than ever before for farmers. And I don’t even want to go into the stress that goes with farming. Here is to a fabulous harvest and autumn for all.

My garden this year was a bit of a hit and miss. Cucumbers are growing great. My potatoes only germinated about 50% - very disappointing to say the least. I had bought new seed and tried to plant them about the same depth. About the only thing doing really well are my cucumbers and my tomatoes are coming along very well too. I started some flower seeds from scratch, Easter Saturday. One of the flower seeds I planted was Cosmos, and I just love them. So easy to keep. Very airy, and easy to deadhead. Take my garden scissors and snip, snip – done. They grow wild in South Africa – I am hoping they kind of take over my border plants.

In ending, I just love running into people who read my blog and enjoy it. If someone had asked me two years ago that I would write a blog, I would have said no, I don’t think so. Thank you to my readers who enjoy my warped sense of humor and the stories I tell. And also, to McKenzie Funeral Homes – Brian and Bev Stobbs who sponsor this blog-o!

As I end this blog, my music is playing, the rain is falling, and this is the beginning line of the song that randomly comes on:

 “Outside my door the rain is falling

A cold, wild wind will come”

So, I guess this is the song that you get to listen to this time. Stevie Nicks – wow what a great artist!

I Still Miss Someone – Stevie Nicks – 1989

And now for more interesting info – written by Johnny Cash! I had totally forgotten that this was Johnny’s song. What a great cover!

P.S. – hope you enjoyed the thunder and lightning storm Saturday night. What a light show! I just about jumped out of my skin on one of those big cracks of thunder. Yikes!


My New Normal

