Protect Your Recipes

Another beautiful sunrise is on its way. From my kitchen window I can see the country church with the sun beginning to come up. What does that have to do with baking? Not much. It reminds me to be grateful for the small blessings around me. We are having this crazy warm December weather and more snow than we get all winter sometimes. The sunsets and sunrises lately have been wonderful to watch. They call Saskatchewan the “Land of the Living Skies” and it sure is. We have been to Mexico and other destinations and always watch the sunsets – they last about 60 seconds and are not as amazing as what I watch in my backyard. So, anyways remember to watch what you can from your backyard as well and enjoy. These are crazy Covid times as I refer to it.

Now about baking – what am I going to share today? As I am writing this Christmas is 3 weeks away; however, I won’t have this blog published by then. Too many interruptions in life this fall. Working full time and trying to get my book published has not been an easy task for me. I try not to be a procrastinator, but life sure can throw curve balls at you!


Earlier this fall I picked up some old school cookbooks. The Proctor and Gamble cookbook has a copyright date of 1945. I absolutely love the picture on it. One of the great parts about a cookbook is the tip section. And even those these books are 75 years or older, some advice in cooking never changes. Here is the first tip from one of the three cookbooks I purchased. “Use part butter when possible as it adds a rich flavour.” This is such a true statement. Butter makes it better. I have specific recipes that have notes on them to use butter only. Margarine just will not produce the same flavor, texture, etc. So when baking, remember sometimes it just has to be butter – margarine will not work.

Technology – a quick rant. I have had a recipe app on my phone for about 10 years now and have absolutely loved it. I was able to add my own recipes, pictures of my baking, notes, etc. However, they did stop making it available in Canada a few years ago. But, because I had already purchased it I could keep using it. Now this morning as I went to look up a recipe on my phone the app will not open. I believe they have probably gone out of business. Now what to do? All of my hard work of putting my recipes into one app, my favorite recipes are going to be gone. I can still open the app up on my Ipad. Now to figure out a way to export these recipes somewhere. Oh what to do???? Another curveball.

So my tip for today is: protect your recipes. Figure out somewhere to save them. I have them in cookbooks, but the great part was being able to have my favorite recipes with me, wherever I was. And being able to share them with whoever I wanted to. A new technology problem to solve.

Have a great day!


Cost Savings in Bread Baking


The Sunday Morning Kitchen Blog