The Sunday Morning Kitchen Blog

Well, here goes. This is the first blog of many more to come.

Where to start? That is the hard part. Some mornings you will find tips or recipes or just some advice. In this little old brain of mine I still have a lot of information – although, some mornings it does not feel like it.

So, this morning I decided to go back in history. I am going back to 1977 – my graduation year. One of the gifts I received was from my Granny Brown. She gave me a recipe collection book, which I still have today, and it has been my main recipe collection book ever since. It is falling apart at the seams – literally.


As I gathered recipes, they were placed into this book under their appropriate category. The fullest was the Desserts and Fruits (not many fruit recipes) LOL! Recipes were written out by hand on recipe cards and placed in each sleeve. I have told my children over the years, when I pass on – grab this cookbook – it has the good recipes in it. However, now that I have written a cookbook with my top 12 recipes in it, they will have this gift from myself as well.

One of my intentions as my children graduated was to write out my most favorite recipes for them in similar books that I purchased. These were a nice idea, but quickly realized handwriting in 4 cookbooks was not going to happen. So that idea was placed on hold.


Winter is now upon us. Over the past week we have had around 40 cm or more of snow. Bring on the snowmobiling, cross country/downhill skiing, snow shoeing and other winter sports. Embrace it – we have to – we live here. With COVID 19 numbers going up and we are not going out the way we used to - learn to enjoy winter it becomes a much nicer season.


I picked up an old Oprah magazine this morning and found this tip about tomatoes. I didn’t know this: storing tomatoes upside down on a plate or in a bowl may help them last a little longer. Apparently, they breathe through their belly button.


For today I have decided to share a recipe. Being indoors allows us more time to cook and bake in our kitchens. I have had a chocolate sweet tooth for as long as I can remember. Therefore, I have chosen my recipe of “Never Fail Fudge” as my morning blog recipe. It was given to me years ago from my sister-in-law Brenda. She made it one year at Christmas and gave each of her siblings a gift package of baking. This fudge was in it – and it was so good. I simply had to have the recipe. So here it is for you as it was given to me. And I am taking a picture of the handwritten recipe that is from my Recipe Collection Book. (If you notice the 54 points in the right-hand side, I calculated how many Weight Watcher points way back when – not sure what year I did that.)


So this is my first blog - hope you enjoyed it. Peace out for now! Talk to you next week!


Protect Your Recipes